Ceylon – Yet Another JVM Language (YAJL)

It is all too familiar, yet surprising; it is all too common, yet shocking; to see yet another JVM language created to scratch an itch that countless other languages are already trying to solve.

Of course Java is not expressive enough, it doesn’t have higher order functions, it doesn’t have modularity as a language feature, it doesn’t have clean way to do meta-programming, it does NOT have so many more features we love and does have so many more features we hate. These are most of what has frustrated Gavin King (the creator of Hibernate) as well and made him think about creating a new language – Ceylon. A few days ago, in his presentation at the QCon Beijing 2011 he gave a first glimpse of the language features and a few code snippets showing its beauty.

A lot of people have raised concerns and expressed strong opinions questioning a need for yet another language. Scala fans, the Groovy(++) camp, Gosu and Fantom hackers all think that Ceylon does not solve anything that is not solved already or could have been solved by just contributing to one of these modern languages. So, I am not going to be yet another anti Ceylon person but I am not a fan either.

I believe Ceylon is more of a strategic approach from RedHat than a language created out of true necessity. They would like to control a language and its followers like most other giant companies do today. Think about it. Oracle is controlling Java, Microsoft is controlling C# (VB, VC++, etc), Google is controlling Go (and Python?), Apple is controlling Objective C and VMWare is controlling Groovy. RedHat has just joined the party leaving only IBM out of the equation. I am sure they are not far behind. I just sincerely hope that they adopt an existing language (Scala?) instead of creating yet another one.

That said, the language itself looks cool, is very expressive and adds a lot of syntactic sweetness to say the least. I just wanted to highlight a few of them here…

String Interpolation:
In Java we use a “+” sign for string concatenation. There is no concept of string interpolation in either Java or Scala. In Groovy ${} construct is used while Ruby uses #{}. Ceylon’s syntax looks better than either of them though. It uses a “space” as the string interpolation operator and the result looks a lot cleaner. Don’t you think?

String name;
writeLine("Hello " name "!");

In Java we use getXxx() methods to get a property value. This looks like a method and quacks like a method and does not give the feeling of accessing a property at all. In Ceylon, a very simple innovation has resulted in much more succinct getter methods. They have decided to get rid of paranthesis to both define and call getter methods. Look at the last line of the following snippet. Does it look like a method call? NO. Does it look like accessing a property? Of course it does !!!

class Counter() {
   variable Natural count := 0;
   shared Natural currentCount {
      return count;
Counter c = new Counter();

In Ceylon there is no separate constructor. The class definition itself acts as a constructor as shown below. Since, there is no concept of method or operator overloading in Ceylon there is no necessity to have a separate method and this syntax induces a “Why didn’t I think of this before ?” moment… The necessity for an overloaded method is handled by optional /defaulted parameters concept. So, you don’t have to worry too much about it…

class Customer (String cName, Natural cAge, Date cDob) {
   variable String name :=  cName;

With the support of named parameters and higher-order functions and quite a bit of thought, a syntactic structure as expressive as given below has been achieved in a general purpose and statically typed language like Ceylon.

Html hello {
   Head head { title = "Squares"; }
   Body body {
      Div {
         cssClass = "greeting";
         "Hello" name "!";

And then there is the rest of the now so common features like array like access to Sequences (equivalent of List in Java), higher-order functions, Closures, Currying, etc

It is not like I loved every single feature of Ceylon. I hated a few, but I am reserving that rant for another post…

iPhone SDK – Initial Thoughts

I have been following iPhone since its inception. Initially, when Steve Jobs revealed that there was not going to be any developer SDK, I was just one of the millions to be really upset. Then, one fine day the iPhone SDK was released, the now infamous App Store was released, all are happy and the rest is history. I did try out some examples immediately after the SDK was released but then got busy with other interesting stuff (like trying out a startup) and didn’t focus much on it – until recently.

A few months ago, my company picked me to get trained on the iOS SDK. Five days of Objective-C and XCode and Interface Builder later, I was coding for the fifth mobile platform in my career. I initially started with BREW, moved on to J2ME (now Java ME), then Blackberry (includes J2ME), then into the Bold and Beautiful Android and now into iOS.

I cannot help but compare my Android experience with iOS. Coming from a Java background, it should not be a surprise that I will be comfortable with Android SDK than with the iOS SDK. Even when that is the case, I feel that the iOS SDK and its tools is not all that developer friendly compared to Android. Apple has created the best layman products ever but they are quite bad at creating developer products, I guess.

Objective-C as a language is a lot more difficult to master than Java. The complex memory management gymnastics, multiple files to define one class and weird method definition syntax are just a few of my gripes. XCode 3.x is a hell to work with at least from an Eclipse/Netbeans/Idea user perspective. Why should I have to move between two applications called XCode and Interface Builder to develop one iPhone app? Why can’t I develop in Windows or Linux if I want to? Why doesn’t the debugger work well most of the times? Why isn’t Garbage Collection part of the language? Why isn’t incremental compilation available? These are just a few questions that come to my mind when I develop for iOS…

That said there are quite a bit to like about the iOS platform as well. Objective-C has some cool features like id type, protocols, named parameters and categories that I would have loved Java to have. I keep hearing from people that once you deploy an iPhone app in the App Store, the benefit in terms of payback is good enough to justify the pain. Interface Builder is very good at what it does compared to the equivalent Android designer. XCode 4.x vastly improves the development experience by integrating Interface Builder tightly.

Although both iOS and Android are vastly different platforms, they are together ruling the world today. As developers we don’t have a choice other than learning and working with these heavenly beasts until the cross-platform world for mobile (like PhoneGap, Titanium, Rho Mobile etc) matures